Log in or register so we can offer you personalized help.
Car Rental Requirements
  • What´s required when renting a car?
About Car Rental Insurance
  • How do the protections work?
Payment Options
  • What are the payment methods?
Rates and Charges
  • What is and how does the security deposit work?
Modifying and Cancelling a Booking
  • Can I modify or cancel my reservation through Rentcars?
  • Modifying a reservation paid for via PayPal

    Making a change to your booking is quick, easy and can be done via your account page or by reaching out to our Booking Center. If the change in your booking calls for a reduction in the amount already paid, Rentcars will refund the difference via PayPal. On the other hand, if the change calls for an increase in price, Rentcars will send you a link redirecting you to Paypal´s payments page where you will be able to pay for the difference.

Booking Confirmation
  • How do I know if my reservation has been confirmed?
Optional Services and Extras
  • Can I rent a specific vehicle model?
Things You Need to Know When Renting a Car
  • What to do if my flight is delayed or rescheduled?

Suggestions for You

  • Can I modify or cancel my reservation through Rentcars?